Get Involved/School Council

School Council

Children do better in school when their parents/guardians play an active role in their education. This can be as simple as reading each evening with your child, attending school events and functions, or participating on the School Council.

Each year, a School Council is formed by an election at your child’s school. This council has the opportunity to meet regularly with the principal and to liaise between the school community and school administration.

For more information, see the School Council Procedure.

The School Council consists mainly of parents/guardians of students in the school. The principal, one teacher, one other staff member, and a community representative are also members of the School Council.

Contact your school principal to find out more information about becoming a School Council member.

Parent Reaching Out (PRO) grants program provides funding to work with parent stakeholder groups, school councils, and/or the District School Council – Parent Involvement Committee (DSC-PIC) to lead projects with a focus on the identification and removal of barriers that prevent parents/guardians and families from participating and engaging fully in their child’s learning.
The DSC-PIC will work in collaboration with school councils to determine projects and corresponding funding amounts for each project.

You can find more information through the Guide for School Councils on the Ministry of Education website.

Queen Victoria Public School School Council


2024-2025 information coming soon….

Meeting agenda/minutes

2024-2025 information coming soon….

2023-2024 information


1. Approval of Minutes & Agenda

2. Items deferred from last meeting:

a) Dominos – “Code online” – A Wednesday was suggested (mid-week, no cooking), has this
been followed up on, booked?;

b) Funds – We currently have $1800 in the bank. With fundraising, if we exceed a total of
$2100 (needed for end-of year-trips), what to do with excess funds? Home reading, yard
work, painting? Immediate vs. longer-term options;

c) Community Day, June 15 th at 1:30pm, Pizza – Further planning progress? List of service
providers that may be in attendance?

3. Chair/ Shawn’s Report:

4. Principal/ Bill’s Report:

a) Success of Kernels fundraiser.

5. Treasurer Report:

6. Set next meeting date:


Shawn Blackburn
Bill Thompson
Sharon Nielsen
Shawntelle Campbell
Gena Hannah
Beckie Kellet
Danielle Taylor
Susan Arnold
Laura Richards

1. Approval of Minutes & Agenda – Approved by all.

2. Items deferred from last meeting:

1) Fundraising, and how?!:

a. Poll = Kernels & Pizza – time span = 7 weeks, as Parent Engagement fund must be used by June 15 th ;

b. Kernels – Danielle to lead. *Update*: Done (Thanks, Danielle!);

c. Dominos – “Code online” – order online with school code, where percentage goes
toward the school; Must be attached to a specific day, open to anyone who orders that night (friends, neighbours, etc.) with school code. *Update*: Local Domino’s had specific
dates available. A Wednesday was suggested (mid-week, no cooking);
d. Needed for end-of-year trips; 3 different trips with bussing (kindergarteners = Clarington Entertainment Complex, formerly known as Joey’s World; primary = Indian River Reptile Zoo; junior = Cedar Park); June 15 th & 22 nd ; Families pay $10; Council pays $300/class x 7 classes = $2100;

e. We currently have $1800 in the bank. With fundraising, if we exceed a total of $2100, what to do with excess funds? Home reading, yard work, painting suggested;

f. Fun Fair! – Consider changing the name due to perception – *Community Day!*; Suggested police/fire crews visiting, depending on timing; Kawartha Dairy open to giving ice cream – individual cups +/- tubs; Boys & Girls Club; Want to involve local/community services/resources; Beckie has a list of community service providers that set up activities; pair with assembly/awards ceremony; anticipate approx. 100+ people (based on last year); timing-wise, consider end-of-day to consider regular pick-up time for parents; Date – Funds need to be spent by June 15 th , primarily for food, pizza due to health standards, etc. with BBQ’ing, plus ice cream, water, juice boxes, etc. Historically on Thursdays; Voted for Thursday, June 15 th , 1:30pm.

3. Chair Report: N/A

4. Principal Report:

a) Provincial funding for tutors was to cease, but was extended to end-of-year (June) with
much student progress.

5. Treasurer Report: N/A

6. Set next meeting date: May 29 th , 2023 from 6:00pm – 7:00pm, virtual.

Meeting adjourned.


In attendance:
Bill Thompson – Principal
Shawn Blackburn – Chair
Beckie Kellett
Gena Hannah
Danielle Taylor
Shawntell Campbell
Susan Arnold

Laura Richards

1. Approval of minutes and agenda – Shawn Blackburn, all present in agreement

2. Items deferred to next meeting: Need to think about which month to start fundraisers:

Move ahead in February with:
#1: Dance (dance-a-thon) – Danielle has things from February 2020 (prior to initial Covid closures), so can get things ready easily – $50 gift card (prize) is still available (in safe)
– during school day
– look at doing this on Valentine’s day
– encourage donation to participate; donation (of any amount) will receive a glow stick
– to ensure all students have the opportunity to participate, donation is not necessary for this fun day
– also discussed have another option (such as a games room) for those that don’t want to attend dance
– budget for this fundraiser: $50 from parent council funds approved (to purchase glow sticks), this was approved and all present were in favour of this budget

#2: Candygrams – could these be distributed on Valentine’s Day?
– Susan Arnold can touch base with staff that has done this in the past to see what is needed for this and if they are able to take this on
– budget for this fundraiser: $20 (if more is needed, we can re-visit at next meeting)

Great list of ideas brainstormed; we would like to share this with families in a quick survey to allow them to pick their first and second choice.

Other fundraising ideas:
– look at Dominoes or Boston Pizza (or other local restaurant/eatery) to offer a portion of sales (from a day or time frame) as fundraiser
– online giving forum (thermometer to see progress of working towards goal)
– Cookie dough type of fundraiser
– TruEarth laundry detergent strips (% of sales)
– Scratch Tickets (would need to gather ‘prizes’ ahead of time that are available to be won)
– Snippet of Spice (local business, spice blends available to purchase)
– Paint the tiles (students create, invite families in one night to look at tiles, maybe have local caterer to have meal to purchase with % of sales to go to school
– freezie Fridays (for a month in one of the warmer months)
– Kernels popcorn
– Friday funday (ex. Wear your hats *I think I missed some of these details)

Beckie will provide Bill with information for survey to be put into a Google form; Bill will then share with families.  The Google form will allow for quick and easy feedback from families.

Shawn shared Parent Engagement Fund ($500) is available to be spent on something (prior to June 15)
– discussion around Fun Fair and would be great to see it return!
– Daniele & Gena are willing to start planning with this; Bill mentioned others might be interested in helping with it too for different tasks/responsibilities

3. Principal Report:
a) success of Holiday Market: it was a great event!  Many thanks to Madame for all the time taken to make this such a great success for the students!!
b) Literacy/Reading program update:
– at home reading program and tutoring has been taking off and seeing lots of success
– Bill shared details regarding classroom reading initiatives and general literacy observations of many students achieving progress of one full grade level or with only half a year of instruction and targeted intervention.

4. Treasurer Update:
Leaf update – in the fall it was decided to not proceed due to the amount of information that was needed for the submission deadline
– since it is a crowdsourcing type of fundraiser, the earlier it can be submitted the better (to then share and get support from community); also looked like it’s beneficial to have local broker aware of/support fundraising request
– there was a minimum amount for fundraising request (Beckie believes it was $10000, but would have to confirm)-also needed to be able to support why it would be beneficial to the community (as a whole, beyond school community)

Funds update: no new update provided due to no change in our account since last meeting.  There is approximately $1864 is available (after Reading Program incentives and  Jimmy Chapman’s costs were taken out the available amount stated at last meeting: $3648.88)

Discussion on how to decide to allocate fundraising dollars from this school year (with the priorities being: outdoor painting, end of year trips, and staff/school wish list if there is anything Parent Council can support).  Discussion around the idea some fundraising goals may not be completed in full in one year, while others may be supported in full.  For example, this school year Parent Council may not be able to contribute full amount of funds for outdoor improvements/additions, but we could commit an amount or percentage of funds raised to go towards this goal while other goals could be set to achieve in full (for example a price per class to go towards year end trip).
Those in attendance, agreed that it would be great to allocate funds as set amounts rather than percentages.
For example:
$___ (dollar amount needed to go towards cost of outdoor painting)
– when this amount is reached, $____ (dollar amount to be decided) to each class to go towards year end trip
– if additional funds available, $____(dollar amount to be decided) to go towards a staff/school wish that Parent Council agreed upon supporting

5. Next meeting: February 21st
– hybrid seems to be working well for those who are unable to attend in person
– if you are planning on joining in person, it was agreed upon by all in attendance to RSVP at least 24 hours in advance if you plan to attend in person.  If low numbers register for in person, Bill will not stay at the school and will join virtually from home. 


1) Approval of Minutes & Agenda

2) Items deferred from last meeting:
a. Need to think about which month to start fundraisers;

3) Principal Report:
a. Success of Holiday Market;
b. Literacy/Reading program update;

4) Treasurer Report:
a. Spring pavement painting – Leaf Grant vs. fundraised money;

5) Set next meeting date: February 21st, 2023, from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (hybrid vs. virtual?)


Shawn Blackburn
Bill Thompson
Shawntelle Campbell
Beckie Kellet
Danielle Taylor
Susan Arnold (Staff rep.)
Laura Richards

1) Approval of Minutes & Agenda – Approved by Shawn.

2) Items deferred from last meeting:

a. Student Representative – any student interest, leadership – Mr. Arnold’s class: Jenny Lee, Lead news anchor for announcements.
b. Community Representative – Laura made a contact at Cambridge Street United Church, Pam, awaiting her response; do we know of any contact at St. Paul’s from previous?
– Pam emailed that she has notified their “Outreach Team”, so far nothing back from

3) Shawn’s Report:
Attended District Council Meeting, gave summary/highlights. Minutes of meeting available on
their website (may ask Shawn for details).

4) Principal Report:
a. Update on Leaf Grant application?;
– Time constraints. Postponing to next year.
– Pavement painting – $2800.
– Grade 5/6 class doing surveys of what students want.
– Jenny to report on this, goal would be for spring (through Leaf grant or from fundraising).

b) Reading program incentives, class wish lists;
– $100/class. Laura has rec’d wish lists from 5/7 classes. Shopping for incentives/rewards has started.
– Logistics: Do have freezer space for individual ice cream snacks for all classes, do have microwave available for popcorn.

c) Bill reported on Literacy program;
– Reading rates being re-evaluated every 4-6 weeks with team (teachers, principal, special education teacher, tutors, etc.).
– Individualized learning plans.

d) Private donations;
– Confirmed QVPS can receive charitable, private donations.
– School also benefits a lot from Forefront program (food cards, gas cards, prescription eyeglasses, headlice treatment).

e) More tutors?;
– Currently have 8 tutors.
– Can get paid, $20/hr, Ministry training online (WHIMIS, Safety Training, etc.).

f) Crafts for fundraising (made outside school time); Question if Madame can incorporate crafts at Christmas Market?
– Low on crafts, supplies this year.
– Any connections with community groups? Need for tissue (wrapping) paper, gift bags, toys (gently used), things for men and teens.

g) Parent involvement/ volunteers needed:
– to coordinate sale of crafts if not through Christmas market, and;
– wrap gifts for Christmas Market;
– Laura, Chantal and Danielle available to help.

5) Treasurer Report:
– Total amount available: $3648.88.
– $700 for Home Reading Program incentives.
– Umbrellas” for spending, Experiential Learning & Cultural Representation.
– Jimmy Chapman coming for 2 days, Dec. 7 & 8. Charges $3/student, approx. 160 students here = $542.40 (including tax) per day = $1084.80 for 2 days of Experiential Learning. Approved by Danielle. Carried.
– Leaf Grant vs. fundraising for pavement painting.
– School trips: $300/class for gas, etc.
– Start thinking about which month to start fundraising (not January). Kernals, Little Caesars, Kodiac wear, etc.

6) Christmas concert – not this year. Too busy working/tutoring students. May have something in
the spring.

7) Set next meeting date: January 17 th , 2023 from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Hybrid vs. virtual? To decide in the interim).

Meeting adjourned.

3. Principal Report:
a. Update on Leaf Grant application?
b. Reading program incentives, class wish lists;
c. Private donations – QVPS can receive charitable, private donations
d. More tutors?
e. Crafts for fundraising (made outside school time); Question if Madame can incorporate crafts at Christmas Market?
f. Parent involvement/ volunteers needed:
– to coordinate sale of crafts if not through Christmas market, and;
– wrap gifts for Christmas Market
4. Treasurer Report
5. Set next meeting date: January 17 th , 2023 from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (hybrid vs. virtual?)


1. Approval of Minutes & Agenda
2. Items deferred from last meeting:
a. Student Representative – any student interest, leadership – Mr. Arnold’s class
b. Community Representative – Laura made a contact at Cambridge Street United Church, Pam, awaiting her response; do we know of any contact at St. Paul’s from previous?


Shawn Blackburn
Dani Taylor
Gena Hannah
Bill Thompson
Laura Richards

Regretfully Absent:
Beckie Kellet

1) Attendance/Introductions – New attendee, Gena
2) Approval of Minutes & Agenda – Approved by Shawn, seconded by Laura
3) Discuss new “Hybrid” model for meeting with new attendees
a) Only Shawn and Bill in-person (albeit a rainy day)
b) Attempt another hybrid in Nov., otherwise continue virtually

4) Items deferred from last meeting:
a) General goal for Fundraising ($3600 available immediately):
– Goal = $5000 (ambitious), last year spent $1000 on books, trips not much $
– Books and resources, equity & inclusion: Books in classrooms, not just library,
– Motion from Shawn to use $700 ($100/class) to support home reading incentives. Laura seconded it (see below, Principle’s report, Home Reading Program)
– Cultural leader talks
– Experiential learning: Jimmy Chapman, trips
– Chrome books/headsets – does not represent equal benefit among students
– Rumour of strike, would resources for virtual learning be beneficial?
– Kodiac wear, Kernals popcorn, Little Caesars – other ideas welcome

b) Student Representative:
– Defer to November. Mr. Arnold’s class going to Camp Muskoka, then will have a better idea of student leadership

c) Community Representative:
– Historical connections to churches, specifically Cambridge Street United Church & St. Paul’s (donations, etc.)
– Laura to reach out to Bruce Atchison re: Cambridge Street United Church involvement this year

d) Bill – Reading program results / Literacy goals, Culture of reading:
– See Principal’s Report

5) Principal’s Report:
a) Leaf Grant – $300,000 available for distribution throughout Ontario:
– Update yard: paint $2000; equipment/play structure $2800+; in addition to accessories (bats, balls, mitts/gloves)
– Beckie and Bill working on application

b) Science / Culture of Reading:
– Scarborough’s Reading Rope: Individual assessments, graphs per class: 34.9% in green zone, 39.5%
in red zone (whole school, SK- Gr.6). – Targeted approach; identifying specific skills, individual areas for

– Teaching/Learning coach: 3x/week, works with teachers re: building on specific skills, advice for
specific students.
– Tutoring program “Reaching Forward Tutors”: Have in-class and after School tutors. – 6 week rotations for evaluation. – Spoke about prerequisites to join, parents interested

– Home reading program: Significant increase in students’ abilities through repetition, participants
improved much greater than those not involved. – Tutors also helping supplement home reading. – Additional books purchased from last year. – Support needed for further student incentives/ready, on-demand items.
Food is high demand. $700 required, $100/class (to be reimbursed from Council funds). – Teachers to compile class “wish lists”. Laura volunteered to shop for classes.

6) Treasurer Report – N/A

7) Open discussion from potential Parent Representatives (time permitting):
– New fundraiser ideas, or continue with previous? Motion by Shawn to devote 2 “pots” for fundraising objectives: 1) Literacy, and; 2) Experiential Learning/Cultural. Representation. Seconded by Laura. Carried.
– Process for private donations? Bill to look into it. Funding usually dispersed throughout school board, not to an individual school
– New fundraiser idea, students doing crafts for sale: Would this be organized by a parent council? Christmas market: Incorporate student crafts? Bill to speak with Madame

8) Set next meeting date: Nov. 15 th , 2022 from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (hybrid)

Meeting adjourned.


Beckie Kellet
Laura Richards
Shawn Blackburn
Dani Taylor
Bill Thompson

1) Introductions
2) Purpose / composition of School Council
3) Meeting norms
4) Roles of chair – defined
5) Roles of parent representatives – defined
6) Voting
7) Elections

a) Chair – Shawn Blackburn
b) Treasurer – Beckie Kellet
c) Secretary – Laura Richards

8) Principals Report
a) Staffing update
b) Notable return to school changes

9) Motion of funds to school changes

Motion for funds raised up to and including $4.99 per student involved in the fundraising be placed in an account to be used towards school council fundraising goals. Money raised in excess of $5.00 per student involved in the fundraising must be refunded to each student.

10) Motion to include student representative – carried
11) Motion to include community representative – Bill will research historical connections of community members / organizations to QVPS. Report back next council meeting.
12) Discussion item – General goal for fundraising – deferred to next council meeting
13) Discussion item – Future dates for Council meetings
a) Every 3rd Tuesday of the month
b) Attempt “hybrid” model in effort to grow membership.
c) Next meeting is in person, with virtual option, on Tuesday, October 18th


TLDSB believes and recognizes that volunteers enhance the learning experiences of our students. The Board appreciates that by engaging members of our communities, volunteers can model positive relationships and good citizenship.

Volunteer programs:

  • Foster a strong school and community partnership.
  • Enhance the quality of education.
  • Expand learning activities.
  • Provide innovative programs and enrichment activities using community skills and resources.
  • Optimize learning opportunities for students, staff, and volunteers.

There are many volunteer opportunities in our schools, these include help with:

  • Field trips
  • Breakfast programs
  • Reading programs
  • Library
  • Arts and crafts
  • Safe arrival
  • Special event days
  • Drivers
  • School council
  • Coaches
  • Career day

If you are interested in volunteering at your school, please contact your school principal. For more information, view our Policies for volunteering.

Frequently asked questions

The procedure for obtaining a police check varies depending on which geographical region of the Board in which you live. In most cases, the volunteer is responsible for taking two pieces of identification, including one photo identification to their local police station or OPP detachment. Please note, social insurance cards and health cards will not be accepted for the cost of any police check.

It is the policy of TLDSB to ensure that all individuals who come into direct contact with children have a criminal record check (CRC). The Board is in a position of trust with regards to students and must protect their intellectual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The well-being of students is a priority, and as such, we expect everyone who will be working with students to have completed  a CRC.

Volunteers are welcome in schools when they are available. The important thing for volunteers to remember is to follow the agreed upon schedule, and if you are unable to attend the school as agreed upon, to please contact the school and inform the staff member you were volunteering with that you will not be in attendance.

Each school has a visitor/volunteer sign out book in the main office. Volunteers are asked to sign in upon arrival and then sign out prior to leaving the building. In many schools, volunteers also have an identification tag, which allows students and staff within the building to know who the volunteers are.

A vulnerable sector check is for volunteers who will be working with a group or an individual who is identified as “vulnerable” by the police. This would be people in a position of dependence or at greater risk of being harmed by persons in a position of authority or trust. The primary volunteer sector that applies to schools is for “children under the age of 18.”

Volunteers are protected by the Board’s liability insurance against lawsuits arising out of their duties for the Board. Coverage only applies when the volunteer is carrying out duties assigned by the school authorities (ie. staff members). Volunteers are not covered by accident insurance, nor by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act through the Board. 

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Queen Victoria Public School

11 John Street, Lindsay, ON K9V 1J3

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School Schedule
Entry to school
8:40 a.m.
Block 1
8:45 – 10:25 a.m.
Nutrition break / recess
10:25 – 11:05 a.m.
Block 2
11:05 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Nutrition break / recess
12:45 – 1:25 p.m.
Block 3
1:25 – 3:05 p.m.
3:05 p.m.

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